2018 was our first full calendar year with a youth ministry!


It was exciting to our middle and high school students grow in their walks with Christ. Backed by the generous giving of the church and dedicated volunteers, we were able to influence our youth in meaningful, on-going ways through our monthly youth nights and Oxygen Circles.

In February, we took 13 of our youth to their first youth conference in Harrisburg, PA. It was at that conference that we saw deep relationships form between our youth and the youth leaders. Any youth that wanted to attend, friends of our youth especially, were able to attend due to scholarships provided by our members. Our members also donated to cover all of the hotel costs for our group.

Another result of the generosity of the church was hosting our first summer lock-in, complete with water wars, laser tag, and the Word of God! We had 33 students attend, half of them being invited by our students! It was our most evangelistic event of the year!

Thank you for choosing to invest in the next generation of people who will love God, love others, and make a difference!


Youth Nights





students at a youth conference


students at lock-in